Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday 11/11

Mr. Naterman and Dr. Armstrong are listening intently with a captivated interest.

Students enjoying Colonial Williamsburg today.

What another FANTASTIC day we've had! This morning we all enjoyed much needed additional sleep. We were able to depart at 8:30 a.m. for Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the U.S. We saw firsthand how primitive these young men's lifestyles truly were. We actually saw a demonstration of how hides were tanned...amazing! Who would have ever thought to put the carcus's brain and water together to use as a preservative? Can you belive it took 8 hours to tan a hide, and if you left for any time whatsoever, you essentially had to start all over? We also saw replicas of the Susan Constant, Discovery, and Godspeed.The cramped quarters on these vessels was fascinating.

We left Jamestown and headed to Colonial Williamsburg where students and parents alike relished a bit of "free" time in Merchant's Square. Students could dine at any of the eateries and then shop at the quaint little stores. Most of our SCS students found their way to the Candy Shoppe where they were amazed at the overwhelming selection of goodies. After a satisfying lunch, we took a tour through the town and saw the Governor's Palace as well as the Capitol. The oppulence of the Palace even now is quite impressive; I can't imagine what it must have been like back then. The Capitol is home to the first legislative body, the House of Burgesses. One of our dads, Steven Davis, thankfully was found innocent of stealing a horse outside a local tavern (thank goodness)! We also ventured in the wig shoppe as well as the apocathery. Some watched the Veteran's Day Parade which marched right through the main street. It was quite surreal to think we were watching a celebration which honors are great heroes in a place where so many great heroes in our country once resided. We enjoyed a homestyle supper at the King's Tavern of turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, and vanilla ice cream. We then went on the "legends" of Williamsburg tour where we heard tales of many of the town's former residents.

We are still having a FANTASTIC time, and the students are representing SCS in a Christian-like manner that has made us proud. Tomorrow morning, we're out the hotel VERY early. We will drive about 2 hours north before stopping at Mt. Vernon, Washington's home. Afterward, we're off to our respective airports for departure. Please continue to pray for our group, and we can't wait to see all of our loved ones back home.

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