Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday 11/10

Greetings from GORGEOUS Williamsburg, VA! We left DC this morning after checking out of our hotel. We arrived in Charlottesville a bit earlier than expected; consequently, we decided to use the extra time to take a drive through the first public college in the United States, the University of Virginia. (Did you know it was founded by our third president, Thomas Jefferson, who considered it one of his three most accomplished achievements? The other two things he wanted known as part of his legacy was that he was the writer of the Declaration of Independence and the creator of Virginia's Religious Freedom Act.) We arrived at Michie's Tavern and Museum where we learned a colonial dance and other forms of entertainment in colonial America. We had an absolutely delicious southern meal consisting of fried chicken, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, black-eyed peas, green beans, stewed tomatoes, homemade biscuits, peach cobbler, and the BEST iced-tea ever! We then traveled to Monticello, Jefferson's plantation home. As minister to France, Jefferson loved French architecture, specifically the Pantheon; therefore, it's no surprise he modeled his residence after it. The grounds were breathtaking, especially this time of year with the fall color.

From Charlottesville, we headed another hour or so south to the state's current capital of Richmond. We saw the most INCREDIBLE re-enactment of the meeting of Virginia delegates who argued for and against going to war with Britain for freedom. One of our very own students, Justin King, served as the minister and gave the invocation. At this famous historical structure, St. John's Church, the re-enactment concluded with Mr. Patrick Henry's cry for freedom, "Give me liberty or give me death!" We really felt a part of this rich experience.

After a nourishing dinner at Cracker Barrel, we drove down to Williamsburg where we put up for the evening at Embassy Suites. Thursday's activities are certain to be exciting as we head to Jamestown and Colonial Williamsburg. We're having a FANTASTIC time but miss everyone back home. We ask that you continue to pray for us as we prepare for departure on Friday.


Learning the Virginia Reel.

1 comment:

  1. WE MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!11!!!!!111!!
    I hope you had a super duper time at the reenactment and I hope you all bring back lots of AMAZING memories!

    P.S take your time
    From Matt Iannelli!
